In The Beginning...
Almost a year ago I started my main blog, another-hobby, with a primary focus on knitting, spinning, and other such stuff.
At first even that was a challenge. I wasn't sure how much of myself to share, or how to share it. Putting even the best of myself out for public viewing seemed very very frightening and even dangerous.
But that blog has brought some fabulous growth, great friends, and much needed support beyond my imaginings.
So now, (inspired by A Chair Is) I'm taking an even bigger risk and am exposing a shameful side to public scrutiny.
I will confess that I have been working for more than a year on getting my house in order, and I am still struggling. I make progress one week, then backslide the next. From a distanced perspective, I believe I am making slow progress toward my ultimate goal, but from the everyday point of view, it seems like I am failing utterly.
On this blog I will do some free association on the emotions and habits behind the clutter, behind the progress and the backslides, behind the packratting.. I will share my thoughts, emotions, and game plans. I will post some illustrative pictures. And I will post some images of what I'd like to have instead.
I will not worry about how often I post, or how long it has been since my last post. Right now I do not need that extra pressure.
I will do my best to be honest, even when that leaves me feeling vulnerable, ashamed, and incompetent.
I have named this blog "Beyond The Frame" because when I take pictures for my main blog, I am very careful with lighting, framing, backdrops, and cropping. I try to never let anyone be distracted by what lies "beyond the frame" of the subject matter.
Just one example:
the image as it appeared on another-hobby
the reality
The truth is that I am ashamed enough of my self-assessed insufficiency in housekeeping that I now hesitate to invite even my friends to come visit.
I don't want to continue to live that way. I want to be proud of my housekeeping and comfortable in the environment I keep. I want to feel safe sharing my environment with others. With friends, with strangers. Right now I am not.
So right now, I take what seems like an ultimate risk, and I share myself, as I am, in-process, full of flaws and shortcomings, with you.
Let's take a look together Beyond The Frame.
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