Thursday, March 02, 2006

3-2-6: Media Room

Today I am exhausted. I already took a three hour nap, and I feel like I could take another one.

I'm bummed because I thought that with Bethieee's help I could get more housecleaning done, and instead I've felt like sitting on the couch or curling up in bed all day.

Today I looked at my kitchen and felt depressed that it hadn't stayed clean after I cooked last night. It's not completely horrible like it was yesterday morning, but it's not a bright clean open sparkling space either.

Something that made me feel happy today: the finches and other songbirds are back, cavorting in the trees, picking bugs out of the moss, throwing the budding cherry blossoms to the ground... I love watching them! They're so sweet.

I took another nap--a short one this time, maybe half an hour. I still felt pretty exhausted when I woke up again, but I really wanted to at least try to get something accomplished today.

Keithr is away for the week, and I've been hoping that I could get things clean enough to be a nice welcome-home. Instead I am way behind what I'd hoped for, my knee is aching, I've still got the remnants of a cold, and I feel miserable. And when I look around at all the clutter, I just don't understand how I could spend an entire week accomplishing almost Nothing. ... especially when I WAS able to accomplish so much in the kitchen in one day. .. and now it's on the fast track back to slovenly.

So I got up from my nap and had Bethieee help me start tackling the media room.

I think we put about two hours into it, after which I collapsed into a little ball on the couch with my covers pulled over my head in a complete state of overwhelmedness.

Bethieee says it looks a lot better. I think it still looks horrid.

Right now I feel: sad, overwhelmed, failure, insignificant, sick (cold), sore (knee), disappointed, like I'll never get the whole house done.

It really sucks to feel worse after cleaning than I did with the mess. I WANT my house to be clean, but the results of my efforts leave me feeling empty and lost and forlorn.

Laundry today: 1 load.


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