Monday, March 20, 2006

The Little Things Count

Now that I've started honing my housetending habits, I'm starting to notice little unplanned benefits.

Like when I leave a room I take something that doesn't belong there out.

Like I've started to fill the sink with soapy water while I cook so that when something spills (it always does) I can have a damp cloth at hand to clean it up quickly, and a place to soak the dishes I'm done with.

Like if something has a place it's supposed to live and it isn't in that place and I don't need it right now, I've started putting it back.

It's weird, I tell you!

Not only that, but the rest of the house has been helping, too!

I asked Keithr to stop mid-swipe so that I could take this picture for you:

I hadn't realized what a thick layer of dust had built up on the screen until he started to take a cloth to it! Wow, what a difference!

It's the little things building up slowly that bring reliable results...

(I hope... ;)


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